How many different types of white in lighting does Trimlight have?
With RGB lights pure white is using a combination of red, green and blue to create the color. Therefore, the pure white setting may appear to have a blue hue, some people see the hue and some do not.
If you find that the pure cool white setting on your RGB lights has a blue hue, don't worry - this is due to the combination of red, green, and blue light to create white. While some people may notice the blue tint, others do not. To adjust the setting to your preference, we recommend observing the pure white light from a distance, such as the sidewalk or street, before making any changes.
If you still wish to remove the slight blue hue, you can access the custom color setting on your RGB lights. Simply input "255" in each box corresponding to the red, green, and blue values. Then, gradually decrease the number in the blue category until you achieve a white light that suits your liking. If you need assistance finding the right RGB codes for different white hues, you can utilize search engines like Google to access lists of recommended codes.
You can also use google to search for lists of RGB codes for different white hues.